Microbiology, Parasitology, Serology Tests

Please contact the lab for pricing information.

LaboratorySectionTestDays TestedSpecimen RequirementsAcceptable SpeciesStorageShippingEstimated Turn-around TimeTest CodesTest MethodologyComments
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYADDITIONAL SUSCEPTIBILITYMonday-SundayRequires consult with Microbiologist. Not recommended for fastidious organisms. Added to culture or provide isolate. All species acceptedRoom temperatureAmbient2-5 daysAdditional MIC
In Hospital: LMIC
Outside: LMICO
Susceptibility testingAdditional testing performed on organisms isolated from samples submitted for culture
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYADDITIONAL TOPICAL SUSCEPTIBILITYMonday-SundayRequires consult with Microbiologist. Not recommended for fastidious organisms. Added to culture or provide isolate. Additional Topical MIC recommended for Ophthalmology sites.All species acceptedRoom temperatureAmbient2-5 days
Additional Topical MIC
In Hospital: LMICCC
Outside: LMICCCO
Susceptibility testingAdditional testing performed on organisms isolated from samples submitted for culture
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYADDITIONAL IDENTIFICATION AND SUSCEPTIBILITYMonday-SundayRequires consult with Microbiologist. Not recommended for fastidious organisms. Added to culture or provide isolate. Additional Topical MIC recommended for Ophthalmology sites.All species acceptedRoom temperatureAmbient2-5 daysIn Hospital: LAIDS Outside: LAIDSOBiochemical testing and Susceptibility testingAdditional testing performed on organisms isolated from samples submitted for culture
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYAEROBIC CULTURE-SUSCEPTIBILITY/IDMonday-SundayFluid, tissue, culturette or hardwareAll species acceptedRefrigerated. Sterile sites or samples from Poikilothermic animals should stay at room temperature.Ship on cold packs overnight3-10 days depending on the growth of organism1 organism susceptibility/ID
In Hospital: LAER
Outside: LAERO
Necropsy Submission: N-LAER
Bacterial Culture, Biochemical testing, Susceptibility testingCulture delineation and description of population. Biochemical identification and susceptibility.
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYAEROBIC CULTURE-SUSCEPTIBILITY/ID TOPICALMonday-SundayCorneal scrape, fluid, tissue or culturetteAll species acceptedRoom Temperature for sterile sites and Refrigerated for non-sterile sitesAmbient for sterile sites or ship with cold packs for non-sterile sites3-10 days depending on the growth of organismIn Hospital: LAERT
Outside: LAERTO
Bacterial Culture, Biochemical testing, Susceptibility testingCulture delineation and description of population. Biochemical identification and susceptibility on one organism. Topical susceptibility on one or two organisms based on test code selected.
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYAEROBIC CULTURE NO SUSCEPTIBILITYMonday-SundayFluid, tissue, hardware or culturetteAll species acceptedRefrigerated. Sterile sites or samples from Poikilothermic animals should stay at room temperature.Ship on cold packs overnight2-5 daysIn Hospital: LAEW
Outside: LAEWO
Bacterial Culture, Biochemical testingCulture delineation and description of population. Biochemical identification and no susceptibility.
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYAEROBIC CULTURE-STAPHYLOCCOCUS SCREENMonday-SundayFluid, tissue, or culturetteAll species acceptedRefrigerated. Sterile sites or samples from Poikilothermic animals should stay at room temperature.Ship on cold packs overnight3-10 days depending on the growth of organismIn Hospital: LSTAPH
Outside: LSTAPHO
Bacterial Culture, Biochemical testing, Susceptibility testing, Latex Agglutination testCulture screening for Staphylococcus sp. only. Biochemical identification and susceptibility on one organism. Penicillin Binding Protein Latex Agglutination test.
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYANAEROBIC CULTURE (NO SUSCEPTIBILITY)Monday-SundayFluid or tissue in anaerobic transport media OR sterile saline. Culturettes are accepted, but not preferred.All species acceptedRoom temperatureAmbient5-10 days depending on the growth of organismIn Hospital: LANAE
Outside: LANAEO
Necropsy Submission: N-LANAE
Bacterial Culture, Biochemical testingCulture delineation and description of population. Biochemical identification of predominant organism or most likely pathogen (clinician consultation may be required). No susceptibility.
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYMALDI-ID ONLY-RESEARCH CASESMonday-SundayIsolateAll species acceptedRefrigerated. Isolates from Poikilothermic animals should stay at room temperatureShip on cold packs overnight2-5 daysIn Hospital: LMALDID
Outside: LMALDIO
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYBACTERIAL ISOLATE IDENTIFICATIONMonday-SundayIsolateAll species acceptedRefrigerated. Isolates from Poikilothermic animals should stay at room temperatureShip on cold packs overnight2-5 daysIn Hospital: LBID
Outside: LBIDO
Biochemical testingBiochemical identification of bacterial isolate. No susceptibility.
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYBACTERIAL ISOLATE IDENTIFICATION AND SUSCEPTIBILITYMonday-SundayIsolateAll species acceptedRefrigerated. Isolates from Poikilothermic animals should stay at room temperatureShip on cold packs overnight2-5 daysIn Hospital: LBIDS
Outside: LBIDSO
Biochemical and Susceptibility testingBiochemical identification of bacterial isolate and susceptibility of one isolate.
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYBLOOD CULTUREMonday-Sunday0.1–5.0 mL of whole blood or joint fluid aseptically inoculated into EACH of the VersaTREK REDOX 1 (silver cap) AND VersaTREK REDOX 2M (red cap) blood bottles.All species accepted37°C ± 2°C. Isolates from Poikilothermic animals should stay at room temperature.Ambient7-12 days for Warm blooded animals, 11-16 days for Poikilothermic animalsIn Hospital: LBLD
Outside: LBLDO
Bacterial Culture, Biochemical testing, Susceptibility testingCulture delineation and description of population. Biochemical identification and susceptibility on one organism. 7 day culture (11 for Poikilothermic animals) that includes 2 subcultures (set up of Aerobic and Anaerobic cultures with gram stains per subculture).

Note blood bottles can be provided to submitters. Additional charges listed below may be applied:

If a blood bottle is inoculated but the culture request is canceled a Blood bottle fee will be charged, (Test Code: LBPCR).
If a blood bottle is provided to an outside submitter, the account will be charged for the cost of the bottle (Test Code: LOBLD). When the blood bottle is received by the lab, the amount will be deducted from the final bill.
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYCAMPYLOBACTER CULTUREMonday-Sunday0.5 g fresh feces or swab. Sterile leak-proof container. Swabs are not an ideal specimen due to low sample volume that may hinder recovery of low numbers of organismsAll species acceptedRoom temperature; after hours submission is discouraged due to the fastidious nature of some fecal pathogensAmbient3-7 daysIn Hospital: LCAMP
Outside: LCAMPO
Necropsy Submission: N-LCAMP
Bacterial Culture, Biochemical testingCulture screening for Campylobacter sp. only. Biochemical identification. No susceptibility. Submit sample only during laboratory hours of operation.
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYCLOSTRIDIUM PERFRINGENS CULTUREMonday-Sunday0.5 g fresh feces or swab. Sterile leak-proof container, swabs are not an ideal specimen due to low sample volume that may hinder recovery of low numbers of organismsAll species acceptedRoom temperature; after hours submission is discouraged due to the fastidious nature of some fecal pathogensAmbient5-10 days depending on growth of organismsIn Hospital: LCLPC
Outside: LCLPCO
Necropsy Submission: N-LCPE
Bacterial Culture, Biochemical testingCulture screening for Clostridium perfringens only. Biochemcial identification. No susceptibility. Submit sample only during laboratory hours of operation.
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYDERMATOLOGY CULTUREMonday – SundayTissue, fluid or culturetteAll species acceptedRefrigeratedShip on cold packs overnight3-10 days depending on growth of organismIn Hospital: LDERM
Outside: LDERMO
Bacterial Culture, Biochemical testing, Susceptibility testing, Latex Agglutination testCulture screening for Staphylococcus sp. or other pathogenic organisms. Biochemical identification and susceptibility on two organisms. Penicillin Binding Protein Latex Agglutination test on two Staphylococcus spp. if isolated.
If no staphylococci is isolated, clinician will be contacted to determine appropriate pathogens requiring susceptibility testing.
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYDERMATOPHYTE CULTUREMonday-SundayHair, skin scraping, or dermatophyte agar plateAll species acceptedRoom temperatureAmbient30 days Preliminary results between 7-10 daysIn Hospital: LDTM
Outside: LDTMO
Fungal Culture, Tape prep, Microscopic evaluationCulture Screening for Dermatophytes only
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYFUNGAL CULTUREMonday-SundayFluid, tissue (preferred over culturette)All species acceptedRoom temperatureAmbient35 days Preliminary results between 7-10 daysIn Hospital: LFUN
Outside: LFUNO
Necropsy Submission: N-LFUNG
Fungal Culture, Tape prep, Microscopic evaluationCulture delineation and description of population. Identification by colony morphology and microscopic evaluation
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYGRAM STAINMonday-FridayFluid, tissue, smearAll species acceptedRefrigeratedShip on cold packs overnight4-24 hoursIn Hospital: LGRM
Outside: LGRMO
StainThis procedure is used for staining bacteria, yeasts and aerobic actinomyces.
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYJOINT CULTUREMonday-Sunday0.1 - 5.0 mL into EACH of the VersaTREK REDOX 1 (silver cap) AND VersaTREK REDOX 2M (red cap) blood bottlesAll species accepted37°C ± 2°C. Isolates from Poikilothermic animals should stay at room temperature.Ambient7-12 days for Warm blooded animals 11-16 days for Poikilothermic animalsIn Hospital: LJNT
Outside: LOJNT
Bacterial Culture, Gram stain, Biochemical testing, Susceptibility testingDO NOT REFRIGERATE. If sample volume is not sufficient for both bottles, inoculate the VersaTREK REDOX 1 (silver cap) bottle only.

Note: If a blood bottle is provided to an outside submitter, the account will be charged for the cost of the bottle (Test Code: LJNTO). When the blood bottle is received by the lab, the amount will be deducted from the final bill.
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYMYCOBACTERIUM ACID FAST STAINMonday-FridayFluid, tissue, smearAll species acceptedRefrigeratedShip on cold packs overnight4-24 hoursIn Hospital: LAFBS
Outside: LAFBSO
Necropsy Submission: LHDACFS
StainThis procedure is used for staining mycobacteria and aerobic actinomyces.
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYMYCOBACTERIUM CULTUREMonday-SundayFluid, tissue (preferred over culturette)All species acceptedRefrigeratedShip on cold packs overnight35 days Preliminary results between 7-10 daysIn Hospital: LAFB
Outside: LAFBO
Necropsy Submission: N-LAFB
Bacterial CultureCulture screening for atypical mycobacteria, aerobic actinomyces or Nocardia sp. only. Identification by molecular methods and susceptibility testing are additional costs.
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYPENICILLIN BINDING PROTEIN 2 AGGLUTINATIONMonday-SundayIsolate of Beta-hemolytic Staphylococcus sp.All species acceptedRefrigeratedIce packs4-24 hoursIn Hospital: LPCP2
Outside: LPCP2O
Latex AgglutinationThis test is added to culture order. This test is only performed on B-hemolytic staphylococci.
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYPYTHIUM/LAGENIDIUM (OOMYCETE) CULTURE (NO SUSCEPTIBILITY)Monday-SundayCanine: lesion tissue; Equine: kunker material; Feline: lesion tissueCanine, Feline, EquineRoom temperatureAmbient1-5 daysIn Hospital: LPYM
Outside: LPYMO
Necropsy Submission: N-LPYT
Oomycete CultureCulture screening for Pythium sp./Lagenidium sp. only. Confirmation of identification by molecular methods is an additional cost.
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYSALMONELLA SCREENMonday-SundayFresh feces, 3-5g recommendedAll species acceptedRefrigeratedN/A2-7 days (Serotyping can take up to 4 weeks)In Hospital: LSAL
Outside: LSALO
Necropsy Submission: N-LSAL
Add on Serogrouping and Serotyping: LSEROT
Add on Susceptibility, Serogrouping, Serotyping: LSSERO
Bacterial Culture, Susceptibility testing, Salmonella Serogrouping and Serotyping at NVSLLSAL
Salmonella Culture and Identification
Serotyping (send out to NVSL)
The first positive Salmonella request will get all of the above testing. Follow-up LSAL requests for the same patient during the same hospital visit will receive the following: Salmonella Culture and Identification.

Salmonella Culture and Identification

Serotyping (send out to NVSL)

Serotyping (send out to NVSL)
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYSALM / CAMPY / C.PERF SCREENMonday-SundayFecesBovineRoom temperature; after hours submission is discouraged due to the fastidious nature of some fecal pathogensAmbient2-10 days In Hospital: LSSB
Outside: LSSBO
Necropsy Submission: N-LSSB
Bacterial Culture, Biochemical testing, Susceptibility testingCulture Screening for Salmonella sp., Campylobacter sp., and Clostridium perfringens only. Suceptibility testing, serogrouping and serotyping for Salmonella sp. is an additional cost.
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYSALM / CAMPY / YERSINIA / SHIGELLA CULTUREMonday-SundayFecesPrimateRoom temperature; after hours submission is discouraged due to the fastidious nature of some fecal pathogensAmbient2-10 days In Hospital: LSSP
Outside: LSSPO
Necropsy Submission: N-LSSP
Bacterial Culture, Biochemical testing, Susceptibility testingCulture screening for Salmonella sp., Campylobacter sp., Shigella sp. and Yersinia sp. only. Contact the laboratory for information on identification, susceptibility testing and additional pricing (if applicable).
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYSALM / CAMPY / YERSINIA CULTUREMonday-SundayFecalCanine, FelineRoom temperature; after hours submission is discouraged due to the fastidious nature of some fecal pathogensAmbient2-10 days In Hospital: LSCY
Outside: LSCYO
Bacterial Culture, Biochemical testing, Susceptibility testingCulture screening for Salmonella sp., Campylobacter sp., and Yersinia sp. only. Contact the laboratory for information on identification, susceptibility testing and additional pricing (if applicable).
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYSHIGELLA CULTUREMonday-Sunday0.5 g feces/swabAll species acceptedRefrigerated; after hours submission is discouraged due to the fastidious nature of some fecal pathogensShip on cold packs overnight3-7 days In Hospital: LSHI
Outside: LSHIO
Bacterial Culture, Biochemical testing, Susceptibility testingCulture screening for Shigella sp. only. Biochemical identification and susceptibility testing if Shigella sp. is isolated. Isolate transferred to Department of Health for confirmation of identification.
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYURINE CULTURE Monday-SundayUrine. Please specify the collection method: Cystocentesis, Free Catch, Straight Catheter, Indwelling CatheterAll species acceptedRoom Temperature for less than or equal to 2 hours or Refrigerated less than or equal to 24 hoursShip on cold packs overnight3 days for no growth cultures, 2-7 days for positive cultureIn Hospital: LURCT
Outside: LURCTO
Bacterial Culture, Biochemical testing, Susceptibility testingCulture delineation and description of population. Biochemical identification and susceptibility on one organism.

If fastidious organisms are suspected (EX: Corynebacterium urealyticum, Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma), contact the laboratory to discuss testing options.
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYYERSINIA CULTURE Monday-Sunday0.5 g feces/swabAll species acceptedRefrigerated; after hours submission is discouraged due to the fastidious nature of some fecal pathogensShip on cold packs overnight3-7 days In Hospital: LYER
Outside: LYERO
Bacterial Culture, Biochemical testing, Susceptibility testingCulture screening for Yersinia sp. only. Contact the laboratory for information on identification, susceptibility testing and additional pricing (if applicable).
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYCOLOSTRUM AEROBIC CULTURE COUNTMonday-SundayMilkBovineRefrigeratedN/A3-7 days In Hospital:LMACCIn hospital testing only
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYMILK REPLACER AEROBIC CULTURE COUNTMonday-SundayMilkBovineRefrigeratedN/A3-7 days In Hospital: LMACMIn hospital testing only
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYPOST PASTEURIZED AEROBIC CULTURE COUNTMonday-SundayMilkBovineRefrigeratedN/A3-7 days In Hospital: LMACPOSIn hospital testing only
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYPRE PASTEURIZED AEROBIC CULTURE COUNTMonday-SundayMilkBovineRefrigeratedN/A3-7 days In Hospital: LMACPREIn hospital testing only
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYCOLOSTRUM COLIFORM CULTURE COUNTMonday-SundayMilkBovineRefrigeratedN/A3-7 days In Hospital: LMCCCIn hospital testing only
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYMILK REPLACER COLIFORM CULTURE COUNTMonday-SundayMilkBovineRefrigeratedN/A3-7 days In Hospital: LMCCMIn hospital testing only
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyMICROBIOLOGYPOST PASTEURIZED COLIFORM CULTURE COUNTMonday-SundayMilkBovineRefrigeratedN/A3-7 days In Hospital: LMCCPOSIn hospital testing only
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyPARASITOLOGYCRYPTOSPORIDIUM ACID FASTMonday-Friday 8am-5pm0.5 g fecesAll species acceptedRefrigerateShip on cold packs overnight24-48 hoursIn Hospital: LCRST
Outside: LCRSTO
Necropsy Submission: N-LCRST
StainThis procedure is used for the staining of fecal samples and examining for Cryptosporidium cysts
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyPARASITOLOGYFECAL DIRECT SMEAR PROTOZOAMonday-Friday 8am-5pm0.5 g fresh fecesAll species acceptedRoom temperatureAmbient4-48 hoursIn Hospital: LDSM
Outside: LDSMO
Direct wet mountThis procedure is used to examine a liquid fecal sample for the presence of motile protozoa trophozoites. Due to the need for fecal samples to be tested as close to collection as possible, outside clinic submissions should contact the laboratory prior to submission.
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyPARASITOLOGYFECAL FLOTATIONMonday-Friday 8am-5pm1 g fecesAll species acceptedRefrigerateShip on cold packs overnight4-48 hoursIn Hospital: LFLT
Outside: LFLTO
Necropsy Submission: N-FLT
Centrifugation and Microscopic EvaluationCentrifugational technique used for recovery of nematode and tapeworm eggs in feces
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyPARASITOLOGYFECAL OCCULT BLOOD HEMOPROTEINMonday-Friday 8am-5pm0.5 g fecesAll species acceptedRefrigerateShip on cold packs overnight4-48 hoursIn Hospital: LOCC
Outside: LOCCO
Slide testCommercial slide test to determine the presence or absence of blood in fecal samples
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyPARASITOLOGYGIARDIA ANTIGEN ELISAMonday-Friday 8am-5pm0.5 g fecesCanine, FelineFresh, previously frozen or refrigerated (up to 7 days)Ship on cold packs overnight4-48 hoursIn Hospital: LGIA
Outside: LGIAO
Rapid enzyme immunoassay for the detection of Giardia antigen in canine and feline feces. The presence of Giardia antigen in fecal samples may indicate the animal has ingested Giardia cysts, may be actively infected, and may be shedding cysts in feces.
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyPARASITOLOGYMCMASTER’S QUANTIFICATIONMonday-Friday 8am-5pm (STAT Monday-Sunday)4 g feces (2 g for sheep)Equine, Caprine, BovineRefrigeratedShip on cold packs overnight4-48 hoursIn Hospital: LMMQ STAT: LMMQST
Outside: LMMQO
Centrifugation, Microscopic Evaluation and Quantitation of Nematode eggsCentrifugational technique used for recovery of nematode eggs followed by quantitation to determine eggs per gram of feces
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologySEROLOGYCRYPTOCOCCUS NEOFORMANS ANTIGENMonday-Friday 8am-5pm1 mL serum (red top, tiger top or yellow top) or 0.5 ml CSF (red top or sterile container)All species acceptedRefrigeratedShip on cold packs overnight4-48 hoursIn Hospital: LCRYP
Outside: LCRYPO
Agglutination testThis test is used for the Qualitative or semi-quantitative detection of cryptococcal polysaccharide (CPS) antigens in serum or CSF.
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologySEROLOGYEQUINE INFECTIOUS ANEMIA VIRUS ELISAMonday-Friday 8am-5pm1 mL of serum (red top, tiger top or yellow top)Equine RefrigeratedShip on cold packs overnightRoutine: Same day results for samples submitted by 2pm, after 2pm results will be next day. STAT: samples received by 4pm are tested same day. In Hospital: LEIAE
Outside: LEIAEO
STAT In Hospital: LEIA
ELISARoutine tests are batched and run after the 2pm cutoff time. STAT tests are run as received up to 4pm. This fusion protein ELISA test is used for the detection of Equine Infectious Anemia antibodies in equine serum.
Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology, SerologyVIROLOGYEQUINE HERPES VIRUS 1 REAL-TIME PCRRoutine: Monday-Friday 8am-2pm, STAT: Monday-Sunday 8am-12pmNasal Swab or Nasopharyngeal Swab in saline or viral transport media or dry swabEquine RefrigeratedShip on cold packs overnightRoutine: 24 hours if received before 2pm cutoff Monday-Friday, STAT: same day if received before 2pm cutoff Monday-SundayIn Hospital: LEHVPCR
Outside: LEHVPO
Real-time PCRReal-time PCR to detect equine herpes virus-1

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